
Mostrando las entradas de abril, 2017

Blog 3: /tek'nɒlədʒɪz/

The first one I got it was five years ago, a friend lent me one  because I didn't have money for buy one. three months later, I got the money for buy it and Since that day I don't stop of use it. This thing is one of the better inventions of humans but is very old, with it I can express myself and I use it almost every day when I have time, is the best way to relax for me and show my likes. Now I'm trying to buy a new one, but is very expensive. Exist a lot of kinds of these things (I don't want to call it gadget because is more than that) but  I will try to describe it in a parcial form... this thing is made it with wood principaly and have 3 important parts; the "box", the mast or arm and one hole. It is used with the two hands. I try to take it with me every time that I travel because is very important for me and I can use it in every part, brings good moments and good remembers.

Blog post 2 - Why did I choose this career ?

When I was a child I didn't think about a lot of jobs or professions but yes in a few specific professions that I felt that I was born for that. First I wantted to know the space, be an astronaut was my fisrt dream. But at the same time I really like to draw (until today) and I wantted to be an famous artist. When I started to growing up the music was the art that took the first place... one day, when I was 14 years old I look the art in the structures of the buildings and since that day the architecture was one of my real options... the design too but architecture had something that I couldn't take off of my head, I didn't know what was it but today I can understand that this career was the best option. Since I was in the high school, I really wantted to go to the university, the school was very borring for me, when that day came, i was very excited, and this time here, in the university, had been one of the better experiences that I had in my short life, the pe

Post 1 - Autobiography

Hello everybody! welcome to this amazing and funny blog of my exciting live...  Let's start... Johan Ramirez was born in Cali, Colombia. he lived all his childhood there in Colombia until his family decided to move to Chile in the 2009. He only studied in two elementary schools. while he was studing he did a lot of CFGs like musical composition, how to play drums, bachillerato of sciences and one of design. Now he is studying architecture in the university of Chile but he always wanted to study medicine. His central family is composed for his parents, 2 brothers and 1 sister. The first brother lives in India with his wife and he come to Chile every year. the rest of his family live in Chile except his father. He loves draw, play and learn how to play every instrument that he can, visit museums, go to concerts and also he loves to travel to any part. his dream is know all Chile or big part of it before he goes out of Chile.  He likes bears.