Blog 9: Hobby


I have some hobbies but one of the most important for me is draw. I started to draw when I was a little kid, since I have conscience, I really enjoyed this hobby, try to draw my favorite cartoons or even characters of the video games that I liked. When I grew up I try to do other things and explore a little more in the world of drawing.

For draw you need materials, tools and every you want, every people have a preference about what they want to use becase everyone have their own style for do it.I like to have three kind of mechanical pencil, or kind of pencils, with diferents thicknesses, a good eraser and paper with a intermediate grammage like fabriano paper. Also if I want to paint my draws I can use oleos or markers... i want to lear to use acrilics and acuarelas... I usually draw alone since I was a kid, is something so personal for me and this make me feel "free" because I can expres what I want but sometimes I can't expres what I want and that is horrible. I try to do it in a calm place with music or maybe in a park.


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