
Mostrando las entradas de junio, 2017

Blog 10: Evaluation

I like a lot the experience of a class that you can speak in english in a superior level because the teacher who really speaks in english is an incentive for speak better although we speak less maybe for shame or for another reasons. maybe all of we are very worried about for anothers classes but for me was a good english class, diferent from the one's I'm used to do.   I think that this method of write blogs is interesting and for me was confortable. I think that I improve a lot my writing with this exercise and makes me think more in English, know that I can write a simple but long text in English using every time less a traductor or a dictionary is a good advance for me.   I would like to include maybe another types of activities for learn more to think in english, I don’t know exactly what but something more informal, less “academic” that causes more interest in the students. Maybe a kind of video game or something that involve all of us but only in English.   I wo...

Blog 9: Hobby

draw I have some hobbies but one of the most important for me is draw. I started to draw when I was a little kid, since I have conscience, I really enjoyed this hobby, try to draw my favorite cartoons or even characters of the video games that I liked. When I grew up I try to do other things and explore a little more in the world of drawing. For draw you need materials, tools and every you want, every people have a preference about what they want to use becase everyone have their own style for do it.I like to have three kind of mechanical pencil, or kind of pencils, with diferents thicknesses, a good eraser and paper with a intermediate grammage like fabriano paper. Also if I want to paint my draws I can use oleos or markers... i want to lear to use acrilics and acuarelas... I usually draw alone since I was a kid, is something so personal for me and this make me feel "free" because I can expres what I want but sometimes I can't expres what I want and that is hor...

Blog 8: Subject

Geometry Is kind of dificult to choice one subject like my favorite because I like every subject that I have in the career but this one, is in the one that I have better marks, is easy for me, so I enjoy a lot this class. In this subject we have to see, understand and build geometrics forms in the space, understandig their spaciality, volume, projections and how we see it in the real life. we started wit simple forms in 2D, transforming it, deforming it... that is called "transformations". After that we take this geometrics forms and try another thing, we "homologate" the form in a second plane... the vertical and horizonthal plane, deforming the figure like the projections that are presented in the reality. finally we learn to project a figure but now in 3D in a new plane, a espacial plane that is conform again with the horizonthal and vertical plane but now in this case we can put the figure not only in the planes, now between the planes, spatially wi...

Blog 7: Anthoni Gaudí

Antoni Gaudí He was a Spanish architect, the highest representative of Catalan modernism. He was an architect with an innate sense of geometry and volume, as well as a great imaginative capacity that allowed him to mentally project most of his works before moving them to plans. In fact, he rarely made detailed plans of his works; I have preferred to recreate them on three-dimensional models, molding every detail as mentally devised them. On other occasions, I have improvised on the fly, instructing his collaborators on what to do. More than the sense of geometry in a formal building that he had, he made a beautiful archichectonical art in the vanguard of the 20th century with his new desings, the new view of the architecture, a new art that will represent him, he has a lot of Beautiful buildings in Barcelona and even and a gorgeous cathedral that is not ready jet because is very complex and beautiful. This men revived with more stronge my choice to study architecture, I ...

Blog 6: What happened that day?!

I will start explaining that day was a strike for the education fight… so, I was in home preparing me for go to the march. When I was in the shower I heard a noise in the living room, scared I Run to the living room in a bath towel and 3 weird guys was looking for something or somebody… At that moment I didn’t know what to think,  unexpectedly, one of the guys jump over me and I tried to run but other throw up a strange liquid that fell in my leg and burn me, immediately I didn’t feel it and run to the kitchen for a knife but when I was back in the living room the guys was disappear… so, now, I have a burn in my leg and I couldn’t go to the University and less to the march. Since that day I have a seriously burn in my right leg But now it's getting better (this is real).