
The last week it was a lot of things that I do but I can't remember... is terrible haha but I remember one of all of them. My old school it was preparing a trip to the General cementery in a curse of history, a friend of mine told me and invite me because that cementery have a lot of Mausoleums with a diferent kind of architectures, verys specials and curious, also it was a reaaly culturistic routh. I accept the invitation and I went, because I had the time because we was in "toma". I only can say That place is awesome! becuase it has a lot of interesting and weards mausoleums! one of the most interasting was the mausoleum of Juan Vicuña that it was a Hindu Mausoleum or something like that, I structure of oriental origins, like the temples of adoration in India or the Nepal temples. also it was a lot of classics and gothics mausoleums, big and small mausoleums. the place it is so green with a lot of trees and a specific and weard but confortable atmosphere. I visit t...