Blog 5: Cool photograph!

This is not really my favourite photo... I think that is kind of dificult to choice a favourite photo in the millionbs of photo that exist or I have seen in my life.... but this is one of most simple and beauty photos for me... This photo was take it by me on October 11th of 2015 in a expocision of Ivan Navarrro in the CORPARTES. Ivan Navarrro is an artist who work a lot with the lights with interesting proposals of diferent topics, in this case, this chair talk about the dictatorship and the tortures that people suffered at the time. I like a lot this picture because the meaning of it is a topic that is repeated for the chilean artists many times and is an important part of the art in Chile... also the visual propose is very interesting for me because the game of the lights and the colours is apparently simple but is very powerfull and beautiful to the eye.